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ISC Mini Ropegrab with Pip Pin


Name RSRP209 Mini Ropegrab with Pip Pin
Approved standards CE EN 353-2; CE EN358 & NFPA 2001
Notes Individual Serial Number
  The RP209 Ropegrab has a Pip Pin Axle, allowing the Ropegrab to easily be added to or removed from the working rope line at any time- without the need for the user to detach from their Harness.  The Pip Pin is a 'Push-button' device, allowing the user to quickly and efficiently secure the device during use. ISC Ropegrabs are made from High Strength Aluminum and have a non-aggressive Cam-face design.  Our Mini Ropegrabs are suitable for use without a Shock Absorber, when used on EN1891 rope. Fixed axle versions available.   CALL RIT SAFETY FOR A PRICE QUOTE!  
Weight (grams) 180
Weight (ounces) 6
Rope diameter range (mm) 10.5 - 13
Body material Aluminum
Finish Anodized
Color Red or black
(MBS) Minimum Breaking Strength (kN) Dependent on Rope Type