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ISC Rocker Ropegrab


Name RSRP500 Rocker Ropegrab
Approved standards CE EN353-2; CE EN358; CE EN12841-A
Notes Individually Serial Numbered
  The Rocker can be fitted to the rope at any point.  It can be used hands-free, when travelling up and down the rope.  The Rocker has been designed for use without a Shock-absorber. The Rocker can also be used as a Rope Adjuster on a Work Positioning Lanyard or Flip-line (in accordance with EN358).The Rocker is a self-tailing device, but the Thumb-catch can be used to park the device on the rope, for Work Positioning or use as a Rope Access back-up device.  The Rocker is fitted with non-aggressive 'rope friendly' cam faces. For self-parking back-up devices, see the RSRP890/891 & 892 RED Back-up Device.   CALL RIT SAFETY FOR A PRICE QUOTE!  
Weight (grams) 164
Body material Aluminum
Body/gate/barrel material Aluminum
Finish Anodized
Color Red or black
(MBS) Minimum Breaking Strength (kN) Dependent on Rope Type